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Bergen Endodontic Care

New Milford, NJ

Visiting Our Office

If you are exploring our site, you were likely told by your general dentist that your tooth may need a root canal under the care of a specialist. Whether this is your first root canal or your tenth, we understand that the news usually comes with some measure of uncertainty and angst.

At Bergen Endodontic Care, we are here to relieve your worries. Your dentist gave you our information because they are comfortable and trusting of our practice philosophy. First and foremost, we believe that every patient is entitled to a fully informed decision-making process. To that end, your first visit is typically dedicated to a thorough and comprehensive examination with Dr. Isseroff, including photographs, 2D and 3D radiographs, wherever they may be appropriate. Treatment and non-treatment alternatives will be discussed, including their respective fees. This process usually takes 30-45 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case. Around one out of every five patients leaves our office without needing a root canal.

Emergency Care

We understand that you may be experiencing pain while calling to make your appointment - please let us know if that may be the case, and we will make every effort to provide relief at your initial visit.

Dr. Isseroff is thankful to live within 5 minutes from the office, and is accessible and can be reached for emergency concerns beyond standard office hours.

Patient Satisfaction and Follow-Up Visits

Part of what makes our practice unique is our commitment to patient satisfaction. If, for whatever reason, you feel unsatisfied with your visit to us, we want to know about it. If something is not working for you, it is not working for us.

What helps us ensure the highest level of satisfaction for our patients is follow-up visits. Patients are typically happy to return periodically to our office after the work is complete to confirm that everything looks as it should and is moving in the right direction. We want to assure you ahead of time that you will never be charged for follow-up radiographs, photographs, or visits.

Call us now at 201-777-4447!